Thursday, January 28, 2010

WII Fit Boxing

Yes, I, Jen's daughter, Angela actually do exist. I haven't been contributing as much on account of the fact that my Mom is really much better at writing than I am. But I wanted to tell you that my roommate, Briton, purchased WII fit and I love it! My favorite is the boxing. And boy are my arms tired! I've also been cooking really healthy food. Tonight is organic chicken, spiced with cajun spicing, broccoli and brown rice pasta, all mixed together. Yum! My cat, her name is 'Baby' will be begging for extras.


  1. Cute post! The cajun chicken sounds fabulous!

  2. Angela.. i have the wii fit, too. The boxing IS the most challenging!!! You can burn some serious calories with that! I keep forgetting to play mine, though. I only use it for the scale and then weigh myself to see how much I have lost weight only to see it slowly rising. (siiiigh)
