Thursday, January 21, 2010

Comic Relief

I leave tonight for Florida to go to a Memorial for a high school buddy who passed away. I may or may not decide to write about it. My gosh you guys, it seems like this week has been hospitals, sick friends, folks passing etc. These are the days of our lives.

So.......just when I was feeling really good about the cute little running shorts I purchased shown in the picture, they really do make me look like a competition cheerleader - quite a feat at my advanced age of 51, I read this post from my blogger buddy The Alaskan Assassin, that made me laugh. I would like to share it with you because 1. We need some comic relief 2. I admire anyone who lives and runs in Alaska.

Some of it may only make sense to the Ultra Running community. But heck, anything that gets a chuckle out of me is okay in my book. Enjoy!


  1. I am so sorry to hear about your friend. My thoughts are with you. The Alaskan Assassin is a trip:)

  2. I can't tell you how many people I have known who have "passed on" these past eight weeks. I am so sorry to hear that you are experiencing this, too!! My heart, thoughts, prayers are with you and with the family..

  3. I was on a run with a friend today and we shared a good laugh about how you helicoptered out of Avalon at the halfway point. That is the coolest/most hilarious thing I have heard in a long time. I mean who does that? That is just awesome. =)

  4. Dear Mr Hone: When and why did you change your name? You are a riot. You inspire me to have more fun on my runs and a pre planned airlift pretty much fit the "fun" bill. :)

  5. Yes, Mr. Hone is a trip! I have those exact shorts! Love them!...and there's nothing wrong with wanting to look cute, even if it does only last for the first few minutes of the run till the sweat starts dripping.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog.
