Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bikram's 90 day Challenge on 54 cents per day

I have decided to take on the Bikram 90 day challenge!

I've been practicing Bikram Yoga for almost two years. This phenomenal workout according to founder, Bikram Choudhury, is the only workout you will ever need since it works your body head to toe, bones to skin, inside out and transforms you mentally. (It will not be the only workout I'll be doing)

Here's the catch (you knew there had to be one) The benefits are cumulative. Bikram says that just going to class a couple times a week is a waste of money. Well guess what folks? The classes are not exactly cheap.

What I love about Bikram, is that he says you don't need fancy equipment or yoga studios. In his Bikram's Beginning Yoga Class book, he details everything you need to perform the workout at home. Don't get me wrong, the classes are wonderful, led by highly qualified, certified instructors. Most studios even offer first timers a special deal somewhere around $20. for two weeks of unlimited classes. I love and highly recommend the classes.

However - - I always remember my Daddy (who grew up during the Great Depression) telling us kids that all we needed was to run around the block if we wanted exercise, or if we wanted to learn something new, just go down to the library and check out a book for free on the subject. He educated us on self reliance and the art of being a rugged individual.

I got inspired by an article I read in Oprah's magazine about a woman who took on the 60 day challenge. The studio I go to, as do many Bikram studios, is forever offering 60 and 90 day challenges.

So I decided to come up with my own 90 day challenge. Join me if you'd like. Here is what you will need:

Yoga Mat - $8.98
Mirror - (if you're blind you will not need this item and probably someone is reading this to you)
Towel - Hopefully you have one, if not, we need to discuss your personal hygiene
Motivation - Free but not always easy
Grand total: $48.98

If comes out to 54 cents per day. Daddy always did love a bargain!

Today is day eight. Yes, that is me in the photo.

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